jeudi 24 décembre 2015

ACURIL 2016 HAITI - Call for workshops

 46th ACURIL Conference, Haiti, June 5 - 9, 2016
Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries
Asociación de Bibliotecas Universitarias, de Investigación  e Institucionales del Caribe
Association des Bibliothèques Universitaires, de Recherche et Institutionelles de la Caraïbe


Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts                                             February 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection                      March 15, 2016
Final submission due                                                   April 30, 2016
Early bird conference registration                            March 31, 2016
Conference period                                                       June 5-9, 2016

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Ms. Elizabeth PIERRE-LOUIS AUGUSTIN, invites you to submit proposals for workshop presentations at the 46th ACURIL conference to be held at the Hotel Karibe, Port-au-Prince, Haïti, 5 - 9 June 2016.

This call for workshop is open to all information professionals: librarians, archivists, documentalists, museologists and other information professionals in the field of library and information science.

Conference Theme:
Leadership: a bridge between tradition and innovation in libraries, archives and museums of the Caribbean Conference theme

Library, archive and museum professionals are all confronted to change: new technology, new audiences, new services and new challenges. Also the traditional workforce is retiring and it is very important to have a legacy for all information professionals. Leadership is seen as tool as well as a philosophy to bridge the gap between changing times and expectations.

The purpose of the workshop presentation
This Call for workshop presentation is intended to encourage librarians, archivists, record managers, museum experts, and other information professionals to share ideas, developments in the information field offering a hands-on experience, in one of the conference related sub-themes.

The conference sub-themes are as follows:
Sub-Theme I: Lessons from the past: recognizing leaders in Caribbean libraries
Sub-Theme II: Developing leadership skills
Sub-Theme III: Best practices in Innovation in the Caribbean.

Topic guidelines
The workshop presentation must speak to one of the above mentioned sub-themes and must be practical, with hands on experience.  In addition, presenters are encouraged to relate their workshops to the ACURIL Special Interest Groups or Content Area Roundtables. 
Workshop Format
Workshop size will be limited to 25 participants so as to encourage interaction.  Presenters are also encouraged, where suitable, to use a wide range of illustrative matter to support their workshop presentations.  Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.  Time devoted to the workshop: 45 minutes to 1 hour.
How to submit a Workshop presentation Proposal:
Workshops can be presented in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish. Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy. The deadline for workshop proposals is February 29, 2016.

Proposals must  include:
·        Workshop title
·        Abstract (200 - 500 words) with content related to one of the conference sub-themes
·        Name of presenter(s)
·        Bio-data of presenter (s) (150 words)
·        Position/title of presenter(s)
·        Employer/institutional affiliation
·        Mailing addresses
·        Telephone/fax numbers
·        E-mail(s)
·        Necessary IT-Equipment

Notification of acceptance of a workshop presentation will be made no later than March 15, 2016.  Workshop presentation abstracts will be published in the final program.

Document Format:
·         For the final work, each presenter must provide one hard copy and one electronic format document of the presentation. The electronic format document must be sent as a Microsoft Word (.doc) file with the Ppt file presented.
·         Title heading – Times New Roman 12pt, Bold, centered all caps
·         Sub-headings – Times New Roman 11pt, centered
·         Name and title, institutional affiliation, e-mail - Times Roman, 11pt, centered.
·         The abstract
Electronic versions: Copies of Ppt, slideshsare, CDs, videos need to be submitted.

Kindly submit proposals and enquires to:
ACURIL President

Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.

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