jeudi 17 décembre 2015

ACURIL 2016 HAITI - Call for poster proposals

46th ACURIL Conference, Haiti, June 5 - 9, 2016
Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries
Asociación de Bibliotecas Universitarias, de Investigación  e Institucionales del Caribe
Association des Bibliothèques Universitaires, de Recherche  et Institutionelles de la Caraïbe



Important Dates:
Submission of Abstracts                                            February 29, 2016
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection                     March 15, 2016
Final submission due                                                  June 5, 2016
Early bird conference registration                            March 31, 2016
Conference period                                                      June 5-9, 2016

The President of the Association of Caribbean University, Research and Institutional Libraries (ACURIL), Ms. Elizabeth PIERRE-LOUIS AUGUSTIN, invites you to submit proposals for poster presentations at the Caribbean Boulevard, within the 46th ACURIL conference, to be held at the Hotel Karibe, Petion-Ville, Haïti, 5-9 June 2016.
This Call for Poster Presentations is open to all information specialists including librarians, archivists, record administrators and educators in the field of information science, as well as information providers.

Conference Theme:

Library, archive and museum professionals are all confronted to change: new technology, new audiences, new services and new challenges. Also the traditional workforce is retiring and it is very important to have a legacy for all information professionals. Leadership is seen as tool as well as a philosophy to bridge the gap between changing times and expectations.

The purpose of the Caribbean Boulevard poster presentation
This Call for the poster presentations is intended to encourage librarians, archivists, record managers, museum experts, and other information professionals to share ideas, best practices, regarding developments in the different information units or research projects being conducted or proposed, in one of the conference related sub-themes.

The conference sub-themes are as follows:
Sub-Theme I: Lessons from the past: recognizing leaders in Caribbean librairies.
Sub-Theme II: Developing leadership skills.
Sub-Theme III: Best practices in innovation in the Caribbean.

What is a Poster Presentation?
The aim of the poster presentation is to provide opportunities to share experiences. It is, therefore, a presentation in a poster board that advertises a service, a product, a topic, a research endeavor. It allows viewers to walk by and observe a particular work being presented, discuss and share ideas. 
At ACURIL 2016 HAITI, the posters at the Caribbean Boulevard will aim to provide a forum for information professionals to highlight and share successful ideas and experiences with colleagues by presenting a special project, a problem-solving strategy, a research study, an innovative program or service in library and /or information services focusing on the conference sub-themes.  A space will be provided for the Caribbean Boulevard to display the posters. Presenters will be required to bring finished posters to Port-au-Prince, Haïti.

Topic guidelines
·         Posters at the Caribbean Boulevard will be presented from June 5-9, 2016.
·         Poster presentations must address any of the sub-themes of the conference.
·         The poster display should include a statement of the theme or problem, objectives of the research, project or idea being presented, the methodology used to solve the problem or implement the program, the major findings or outcomes and their significance, and conclusions.

How to Submit a Poster Proposal Abstract
The deadline for poster board presentation abstract is February 29, 2016.
Poster presentations can be in any of the three official languages of ACURIL - English, French or Spanish.
·         Proposals may be submitted by e-mail or hard copy.  Proposals must include:
·         Poster presentation title (in relation to the conference theme)
·         Abstract (200 - 500 words)
·         Name of presenter(s)
·         Position/title of presenter(s)
·         Employer/institutional affiliation(s)
·         Mailing addresses
·         Telephone/fax numbers
·         E-mail

Notification of acceptance of a poster presentation will be made no later than March 15, 2016.  Poster presentations titles will be published in the final program and on ACURIL’s Portal.
Format of Poster Presentations
No electrical support or Internet connections are available in the poster area.  An effective poster presentation must visually demonstrate the key elements or significant points of a theme, product or service related to the conference.
·         The dimensions of posters should be 3 feet wide x 4 feet high; that is, 36 x 48 inches.
·         Impressions may be in paper, from a Power-Point presentation or common poster characteristics.
·         Screen prints, charts, drawings, photographs, and other graphics along with text, to illustrate the presentation, are encouraged.
·         Lettering should be simple, bold, and easily legible from a distance of four feet.
·         Posters may be accompanied with handouts.
·         All materials to be displayed should be prepared before arrival. Supplies will not be available at the conference site.
·         Presenters will be required to bring finished posters to Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
·         Citations should use the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual, 6th Ed.

Should you have any questions about your submission, kindly contact us.

Luisa Vigo-Cepeda                                                              Elizabeth PIERRE-LOUIS AUGUSTIN
Chair,                                                                                     ACURIL President
ACURIL’s Caribbean Blvd Poster Project                          ACURIL 2016                            
Tel. 787.612.9343
Skype: luisa.vigo

Kindly reproduce and distribute copies of this document to other interested persons.
Por favor, reproduzca y distribuya copias de este documento a personas interesadas.
Faites circuler ce document à d’autres personnes intéressées.

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